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Employee Spotlight: Kelvin Carter - Navigating the Path to Excellence


In the dynamic realm of security, every professional has a unique story to tell. Today, we sit down withScreenshot 2023-12-22 at 15.27.27 Kelvin Carter, a dedicated member of the BlackStone Security Group team, to delve into his background, experiences, and the motivations that drive his commitment to ensuring safety and security.

Background and Motivation: Kelvin Carter began his journey in the security industry in 2021 with Weisser Security Services. However, a hiccup in the form of a record issue led to an unexpected parting of ways. Despite the setback, Kelvin saw an opportunity when he came across BlackStone Security Group and decided to explore the possibilities. After a little research and a few conversations later, he found a way to resolve the issue, leading to a fresh start with BlackStone Security Group.

Roles and Responsibilities at BlackStone Security Group: As an armed guard on the BlackStone Security Group team, Kelvin plays a crucial role in maintaining a secure environment. His responsibilities include preventing breaking and entering, ensuring no crimes are committed, being vigilant against potential threats, and keeping a watchful eye to prevent any unauthorized access or vehicle break-ins.

Challenges and Triumphs: Every security professional faces challenges, and for Kelvin, it was an encounter with an intoxicated individual at a local Holiday Inn. With tact and professionalism, he managed a potentially volatile situation by addressing the issue and conveying the need for the individual to leave the premises, ultimately ensuring a secure environment for others.

Passion for Security: Inspired by his uncle, who dedicatedly served in the prison system, Kelvin found his passion for security. The image of his uncle in uniform, standing tall and professional, left a lasting impression, prompting him to pursue a career in a field that resonated with a sense of duty.

123_1 (6)Professional Growth with BlackStone Security Group: BlackStone Security Group has played a significant role in Kelvin's professional growth. The company's support has allowed him to maintain his license, provided opportunities for additional per diems, and encouraged personal and professional development. Kelvin expresses a desire to take on more part-time responsibilities, perhaps paving the way for a future full-time role.

Differentiators of BlackStone Security Group: Reflecting on his previous experience Kelvin appreciates the versatility offered by BlackStone Security Group. Unlike being confined to a guard shack, he enjoys the ability to move around, engage with different aspects of security, and adapt to evolving situations.

Ensuring Client Safety: For Kelvin, ensuring the safety and security of clients involves a combination of vigilance, attention to detail, and a proactive approach. Being attentive to his surroundings and responding promptly to potential threats are key elements of his commitment to maintaining a secure environment.

Advice for Aspiring Security Professionals: To those considering a career in theunnamed security industry, Kelvin offers advice to keep a level head, approach the job with a professional demeanor, and consistently strive for personal and professional advancement. Encouraging a proactive and adaptable mindset, he suggests viewing each role as a stepping stone toward a better position within the industry.

In conclusion, Kelvin's journey with BlackStone Security Group serves as a testament to resilience, adaptability, and a genuine commitment to ensuring the safety and security of those he serves. His story highlights the dynamic nature of the security industry and the opportunities within a company like BlackStone Security Group.